1. Patricia 29 August, 2008 @ 07:08

    Tenho acompanhado as noticias pelo site do filme,o qual esta muito bonito e fiquei feliz em saber que alguns indios estao indo para a exibiçao do filme e tambem da criaçao do fundo de solidariedade.
    Bem, lhe desejo boa sorte no Festivel de Venezia, assim como nos proximos que virao.
    Cuide bem dos meninos que estarão chegando ai.
    Patricia Gimenez

  2. Francois Fleury 1 September, 2008 @ 10:09

    auguri alle vere ragione di essere vivi queste giorni e grazie a tutti, spero vedrelo rapidamente sullo scermo anche in swizzera o in turkyia

  3. giuseppe 2 September, 2008 @ 09:09

    è lodevole ogni sforzo che vien dato a favore dei più deboli e sono sempre molto commosso nel sentire che qualcuno si espone in loro favore. sono stato molte volte in Brasile e quello che ho visto e sentito, anche se vero solo la metà, è più che sufficiente per far accapponare la pelle. il discorso è molto lungo e complesso. la sensazione dopo lunga meditazione era imbarazzante. il fatto è che tutti viviamo in un mondo dove ogni singola persona deve lottare per la giustizia. viviamo in un mondo ingiusto. e questo ci fa interrogare sul perché la direzione intrapresa dall’umanità è negativa. poi un amico mi passò un link, eccolo qui di seguito, sull’obsolescenza:


    termine nuovo per il sottoscritto. guardai con interesse i 21 minuti ed aggiunsi un tassello interessante riguardo all’ingiustizia e a dove è diretta l’umanità. essendo un ricercatore dell’arca di Noè (vedi il web site indicato a margine) so che cosa significa essere emarginati e denigrati. il nostro desiderio è quello di esser trattati con rispetto e dignità. questo non accade se varchi determinate porte e indaghi oltre misura. un’umanità ignorante e buonista è la massima aspirazione a cui il “governante di questo mondo” aspira. Infatti riconosco che l’ingiusto mondo attuale è vittima del suo governante e dei suoi (per dirla sportivamente parlando) raccattapalle. nelle Sacre Scritture viene identificato il “governante di questo mondo”. Giovanni 12:31 e Matteo capitolo 4 indicano di chi si tratta. Il giudizio sul mondo antico, il diluvio noetico, non è altro che un esempio ammonitore per cose future. presto un ulteriore giudizio si abbatterà definitivamente su questo mondo, che noi ci crediamo o no, che lo vogliamo o no. e finalmente anche gli indios guaranì-kaiowa avranno la loro completa libertà e giustizia sarà finalmente fatta. sinceramente, giuseppe

  4. Tonin 4 September, 2008 @ 06:09

    Ciao caro, mi chiamo Pepe, sono “douradense”, vivo a Sao Paulo da qualche anni e ero a Bologna nell’ultimo anno dunque non ho saputo molto del vostro film comunque sono moltissimo interessato nel tema che conosco abbastanza bene. Non vedo l’ora di guardare il film. Lei mi può dire quando sarà la presentazione a Dourados (ho visto sull’internet che ci avrà una presentazione speciale a Dourados) e vi auguro buona fortuna a Venezia.

Articoli recenti

Flying to Venice over the ocean

Marco Bechis blog

Tonight five native actors are flying over the ocean to land in Venice. The movie they acted in is going to have its official worldwide premiere on September 1st at the Lido. The following day it will enter the official schedule of Italian cinemas. Five kaiowà natives are flying to Europe 500 years after the “conquista” to introduce their movie. Here is what they said in an interview just before boarding their flight.

Guarani-Kaiowá people acting in the movie
Fiona’s questions to Kaiowa who are travelling to Venice:

What did they like and what didn’t they like about the experience of acting and participating in the film? Was there some aspect they enjoyed more than others? Was there something they didn’t enjoy at all?

They all agreed it was a brilliant experience which they loved. There were no better or worse bits. The experience as a whole was very special for them. Ambrosio says “my dream was to do something like this one day, to be an actor; I fulfilled my dream.” And he goes on: “ The work I agree to do, I do so because I enjoy it. There is no, there can’t be unhappiness.”

What did they think when they saw the whole film for the first time? Was it the first time they watched a movie?

They will watch it for the first time in Venice. They have never watched a film in a theatre. Ambrosio said he was once in a film theatre, in Campo Grande, many years ago: “ It was scary. There was no way out.”

What do they hope the film to bring to the Guarani?

They expect specific results for their people. One of their most respected ñanderus, Ataná Teixeira,  has put it, during the filming, they hope the film will be something they can be proud of and something they can cherish - especially the young people and the children.

Ambrosio says he hopes for the demarcation of their territories. He hopes for justice for the kaiowa/Guarani. “There is justice - the white people’s justice (karai) - against the Indian. In favour of the Indian, I see none. When the Indian makes a complaint he is not taken seriously. This is what I most hope for: land and justice. Everything else we can get somehow. The film will also tell our present story to our children, the kaiowa/Gaurani of the future; the film is a path, like the rising sun, shining for all the families.”

Why do they want to travel to Europe and what will they do there?

It is their first long trip. They want to meet other cultures, other languages. They want to tell their story, talk about their reality. They understand that they alone can talk about this reality. They think people will like to meet them, as Kaiowa/Guarani, and they want to meet other peoples. The film tells part of that story. Ambrosio: ”I wish to show the world the work we’ve done. To show how we, Kaiowa, live and fight for land repossession. When I was a mita’i (child) I dreamt I travelled inside a plastic car. I was made to earn - so I will learn, I said to myself. And so I did.”
Ambrosio says he wants to travel around with the film to see if there are any results. He believes it will bring the Kaiowa/Guarani important resources.

Why is it important that the white or non-Indian world gains an awareness of the Guarani people through the film?

Because the film shows the reality. When white people visit the reserve they think life is simple. But it is not. The film shows that.The whites usually go in with a photographer. They take their pictures and they go. And they just stand there. It’s like a zoo! And some even ask them to “dress up like Indians” for the photo.

The kaiowa/Guarani carry out their own “research” about the whites’ world and share their findings with their people.

They want “honesty”.
“The white people only show ugly things; they don’t talk about what needs to be done, what needs to change.” They talk about malnutrition, and soon all seem to be suffering from malnutrition. But that doesn’t solve the problem. And the mothers and fathers get the blame. But they don’t discuss the lack of lands, the devastation carried out by the whites, the lack of work and opportunities. Without forest there are no animals and it is not possible to perform the “kunumi pepy” (initiation ritual, also known as “fura-labios”).

They, the whites, need to know it in order to understand it! So that those who would like to help can see how.

What is the “message they want to put across to the white’s world through the film?

That they will always hope that their lands will be demarcated. That they will always hope they will live forever, through their grandchildren and great-grandchildren.That all Indians should be given opportunities.
They hope to be valued, as equals, as important as any other people. They feel they are discriminated against.
They wish to show some of their beauty, the beauty of their culture. And they hope to be respected for that. Ambrosio says that “the message depends on the receiver. They may think we’re beautiful and that’s it. It depends on the person.” He wishes people will see the daily life of the Kaiowa/Guarani.

Marco Bechis_28 August, 2008

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