1 Comment

  1. Pono 6 April, 2009 @ 01:04

    thanx for this movie and your greatness not to fall into good and bad but showing everyʻs person view. i was speechless for a while…. . have been on navajo, hopi reservations and am very connected to indegenious people in hawaiʻi, luckily their younger people are interested in the culture and the ban is leaving day by day by speaking hawaiian, hula, the canoes and many other things…. . they are recovering from surpression since 15 years….. .
    i wish there would be a movie about their story, an in between of yours and “whale rider”, i bet you know it, new zealand, came out some years ago.
    all the best and for a better world
    Pono, switzerland - hawaiʻi

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Marco Bechis blog, italian press

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Marco Bechis_14 December, 2008

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